Organic natural food

Unsere Lanserhof Naturkost Produkte bestehen aus natürlichen undverarbeiteten Zutaten in Bio Qualität. Sie zeichnen sich durch ihre hohe Nährstoffdichte aus und sind frei von künstlichen Zusatzstoffen.



20 products


The highest price is

20 products

  • Lanserhof organic energy brownie balls

    Prebiotic Baobab
    Regular price €16,00
    Regular price Sale price €16,00
    Unit price  €106,67  per  kg
    Coming soon
  • Lanserhof organic hemp chlorella bar

    Chlorella algae
    Regular price €9,00
    Regular price Sale price €9,00
    Unit price  €90,00  per  kg
  • Veggie Bread organic

    Fermented vegetables and sprouts
    Regular price €15,00
    Regular price Sale price €15,00
    Unit price  €103,45  per  kg
  • Nutrient Combination - Beauty bio

    Biotin, iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc
    Regular price €39,00
    Regular price Sale price €39,00
    Unit price  €130,00  per  kg
  • Nutrient Combination - Paleo organic

    Vitamin B1, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc
    Regular price €39,00
    Regular price Sale price €39,00
    Unit price  €130,00  per  kg
  • Lanserhof organic nutrient combination - cell health

    Iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium
    Regular price €39,00
    Regular price Sale price €39,00
    Unit price  €130,00  per  kg
  • Lanserhof organic nutrient combination - energy

    Vitamin E, magnesium and iron
    Regular price €39,00
    Regular price Sale price €39,00
    Unit price  €156,00  per  kg
  • Lanserhof organic raw food granola - well being

    Iron, magnesium and zinc
    Regular price €19,00
    Regular price Sale price €19,00
    Unit price  €63,33  per  kg
  • Lanserhof Raw Food Granola - paleo organic

    Magnesium, iron and zinc
    Regular price €19,00
    Regular price Sale price €19,00
    Unit price  €63,33  per  kg
    Coming soon
  • Lanserhof organic raw food granola - sweet crunch

    Iron, magnesium and zinc
    Regular price €19,00
    Regular price Sale price €19,00
    Unit price  €63,33  per  kg
  • Lanserhof organic dietary fiber blend

    Omega-3 fatty acids
    Regular price €18,00
    Regular price Sale price €18,00
    Unit price  €72,00  per  kg
  • Lanserhof organic sprouted basic cereals

    High nutrient density
    Regular price €22,00
    Regular price Sale price €22,00
    Unit price  €55,00  per  kg
  • Spirulina muesli organic

    Alkaline protein source
    Regular price €22,00
    Regular price Sale price €22,00
    Unit price  €55,00  per  kg
  • Nutrient Combinations Value Pack

    Regular price €148,00
    Regular price Sale price €148,00
    Unit price  €128,70  per  kg
  • Buckwheat rusks organic

    Gluten free
    Regular price €12,00
    Regular price Sale price €12,00
    Unit price  €80,00  per  kg
  • Lanserhof Organic shake bread - buckwheat

    Sprouted buckwheat
    Regular price €12,00
    Regular price Sale price €12,00
    Unit price  €80,00  per  kg